Whois Lookup

Discover who owns that domain with a click of a button

What is ‘Whois’?

As per ICANN regulations, registrants must provide registrars with up-to-date contact information when a domain is registered. This information is displayed publicly in the Whois database, which acts like a giant address book that anyone can view.

Try our Whois domain tool now to find out if that domain you’ve had your eye on has already been taken. If it’s available, great! Register it today. If it’s already in use, why not make them an offer they can’t refuse?

Why is ‘Whois’ important and who can use it?

We monitor your domains in real time to make sure your sites are always up and running.

How do I use the Whois Lookup Tool?

Choose from a wide variety of domain names in multiple languages and extensions.

How can I protect my privacy online?

Subdomains? Forwarding? We can do all that and more. Plus, our domain management tools are straightforward for everyone.Subdomains? Forwarding? We can do all that and more. Plus, our domain management tools are straightforward for everyone.

The domain I want has already been registered. What now?

We monitor your domains in real time to make sure your sites are always up and running.

Go worldwide.

Choose from a wide variety of domain names in multiple languages and extensions.

Management made easy.

Subdomains? Forwarding? We can do all that and more. Plus, our domain management tools are straightforward for everyone.Subdomains? Forwarding? We can do all that and more. Plus, our domain management tools are straightforward for everyone.

Need help? Call Transfer Concierge anytime at 0721 512 910

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